Common Sensory Errors – Adaptation

In sensory analysis, common physiological and psychological sensory errors should be accounted for when designing cupping protocols. Ian Fretheim, Director of Sensory Analysis, is diving into the research around these common sensory errors and explaining how we can control for them. Check out the second article of the series here.

Echoes of Coffee: Alto San Juan Micromill

In this episode of Echoes of Coffee, we journey into the world of Diego Abarca Quiros, a passionate fourth-generation coffee farmer, and his extraordinary work at the Alto San Juan Micromill. Diego inherited his love for coffee and three hectares of land from his father. Today, his dream is a vibrant reality, and he shares his story of perseverance, innovation, and the pursuit of excellence. Learn more about his story here.

ed+u Class 2 – coffee is: agriculture

Join us for the launch of our brand-new ed+u class, coffee is: agriculture, part 2 of a six-part series that examines the industry in broad strokes. This class is all about coffee as an agricultural product, diving into the tasks of coffee production. Coming July 8th.

Introducing India, Bolivia, & Flores Origin Pages

As we continue to add exciting new coffees to our offering list, we believe it is equally important to bolster the digital resources we have supporting the countries we source on the ground in. We recently added origin pages for Bolivia, India, and Flores to our site.

Common Sensory Errors – An Introduction

In sensory analysis, common physiological and psychological sensory errors should be accounted for when designing cupping protocols. Welcome to a new blog series by Ian Fretheim, Director of Sensory Analysis, diving into how we control for these common sensory errors.

Podcast: Water in Food with Ian Fretheim

This past week our Director of Sensory Analysis, Ian Fretheim, joined Zachary Cartwright as a guest on his podcast “Water in Food.” The two dove into a discussion on the role water plays in specialty green coffee, exploring findings from our sensory team’s long-term study on water activity (Aw), talking about sensory science as it relates to coffee, and getting excited about the future of cupping with our new Coffee Rose.

Pink…Bourbon?: Cryptozoology and Genetics in Specialty Coffee

One area that has been rightly ripping, in particular relative to historical norms, has been the introduction, interest in, and acceptance of new coffee varieties. When Castillo was introduced many people wanted to turn their noses up at it. In our lab, we were more accepting, as the results on the cupping table were impossible to deny. We regularly found it to perform well against Caturra, Typica, and the many other varieties that we blinded it against. When it won the Cup of Excellence, people were somehow shocked, going so far as to disbelieve the results.

And then, seemingly overnight, Castillos were broadly accepted. What happened?

Ratnagiri Estate: A New Era of Coffee from India

Meet Ashok Patre, a third-generation producer revolutionizing coffee production and processing in the Karnataka State. Watch our interview with him, and learn more about his farm, Ratnagiri Estates.

All Things World of Coffee Athens!

And we are off to Athens! Join us at Booth 2-R38 for a weekend full of coffees, cuppings, challenges, and parties. See our full schedule here, and follow us at @cafeimportseurope for more details! See you soon!

Presenting Purchase Planning: Costa Rica 2023

As a nimble and independently owned importer, we recognize that a roaster’s selections can only be made in advance with real-time information. Our green buying team is passionate about working actively with producers at origin throughout the year and sharing their knowledge and experiences with roasters like you.

Anaerobic Fermentation

Interest in innovative post-harvest processing styles is building across the coffee supply chain. Producers and consumers are seeing benefits like unique flavor profiles that add value to coffee, help producers, processors, mills, farms, and coffees stand out from the crowd, and help diversify offerings. 

What happens when an experimental farm and a micromill work hand in hand for five years?

Finca Juan Martin and Manos Juntas are two different projects, both striving to make coffee production more profitable for producers and consistently delicious for consumers, all under the Banexport umbrella. Banexport is our longstanding partner and friend, sourcing and exporting many of our Cauca, Huila, and Nariño offerings. Their commitment to quality, sustainability, and economic equality for producers is exemplified in their projects, particularly Finca Juan Martin and Manos Juntas.

Break It Down & Brew It Up: Coffee Cascara

When coffee is processed, the layers of skin, fruit, and parchment are broken down and removed, leaving behind the seeds we roast and brew. Those discarded layers once provided life and protection to the seeds, but don’t have to all go to waste. The skin of the coffee cherry can be dried and sold as a singular product called Cascara.

Introducing our Education Team

We couldn’t be more excited to announce the addition of two new faces to Cafe Imports, representing our Education team.

Cafe Imports Participates in the Specialty Coffee Transaction Guide

Specialty-coffee people around the world are motivated to make change to our corner of the industry, perhaps now more than ever: More and more we’re engaging in open conversations about the coffee price crisis, evaluating the existing coffee business models, considering our appeal to the consumer marketplace, and looking for potential positive solutions to the historically low C-market price for coffee, and low coffee prices overall.

Now Streaming: An Educational Coffee Processing Video Series

Coffee people are naturally curious, and we are no different at Cafe Imports: We love learning new things about this amazing plant, seed, and beverage, and we’re passionate about sharing any information we have on our Education page and through other free, accessible resources-like the brand-new Coffee Processing video series, which debuted last week on the Cafe Imports YouTube channel!

You're Invited: Resource 2018

It’s a new year, a new crop, and a whole new selection of opportunities to shrink the distance between your roaster’s hopper and coffee’s source. We at Cafe Imports would like nothing more than to have you join us on our travels into the field (literally) as we seek, study, cup, and source the world’s finest specialty coffees. Throughout the year, we gladly invite our roaster partners along on visits to the producers, mills, and exporters with whom we work year in and year out, to develop personal connections and long-standing relationships, and, of course, to bring home the most delicious coffees we can find.