Brazil Purchase Planning

Posted on August 31st, 2021


Purchase planning has real benefits for every coffee roaster. When it comes to Brazil, the benefits of planning ahead with us include giving you first access to a wider variety of fresh-crop lots, opportunity for greater possible creative sourcing outside our typical offerings, and the assurance of coverage throughout the year until the following harvest season. Brazil is an origin of great consistency, volume, and versatility across all quality levels — if there is one origin to start implementing more purchase planning into your business with, it’s Brazil.

A good, high-quality Brazilian coffee always has been, and likely always will be, a staple in any roaster’s lineup. Our versatile offerings from Brazil can be used to fulfill your needs across the board. Whether you are in need of a reliable base for a house blend or a complex microlot for a standout single-origin, we are happy to guide you through the vast possibilities that Brazilian coffee represents.

Our microlot offerings from Brazil are clean, complex, and nuanced cup options for someone looking for a high-quality, farm-traceable, single origin or espresso option.

These farm-specific coffees have a profile that embodies more fruit and sweetness, with the potential to produce more complex cups.

Serra Negra is offered as a workhorse coffee with a more standard Brazil profile; chocolate, sweet, smooth, and consistent.


Our first container of coffee ever sourced at origin came from Brazil, so it is no surprise that our current relationships with producers and exporters in Brazil are nearing 20 years old. Today, we work with two primary exporters in the Carmo de Minas region, visiting them multiple times a year, cupping and approving coffees, visiting farms, and talking about the potential of progressive developments as we strive to meet the needs of our customers.


Planning now always pays off later, here’s how simple planning can be:


Reach out to your sales rep about your needs in August and early September. By getting in touch ahead of time, you can take advantage of a larger selection of offerings to choose from.


Samples become available to cup and approve in September.


Coffees start to ship as early as September and through December, depending on when you have placed your order.


Coffees this year begin to arrive in December. See below for more details on shipment and arrivals.


Our producer partners and counterparties confirm that the harvest this year is slated to be on schedule.

We’re already cupping and approving great coffees from Brazil that are on par with what we typically expect from the Brazilian profile.

Due to pandemic disruptions, ongoing logistical bottlenecks have resulted in a global shipping backlog and a shortage of containers has affected the capacity to ship from Brazil. As a result, we are facing delays of up to two months for shipments.

As we strive to work closely with our customers, our current offerings are generally representative of the needs of our specialty coffee community here in Australia. That being said, we have access to coffees far beyond our offerings list thanks to our extensive sourcing programs around the world — all you need to do is reach out to us. If there’s something that you’re looking for, we’d love to work with you and our sourcing team to turn your needs into a reality.

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